All Residents have single bedrooms, most with a door to a small garden or quad. A bath (or shower) and toilet facilities are provided in several bedrooms, and all bedrooms have hot and cold water. There are three centrally placed bathrooms equipped with ambulifts. Each bedroom is fitted with an alarm system in case of emergency or urgency.

For general use there is a large dining room, one large lounge and one small T.V. lounge.
St. Anne’s also has a Chapel where mass is regularly provided. Facilities are open to all denominations.
Other amenities include wheelchairs, handrails on all corridors, grab rails in toilets and call bells in all bedrooms, bathrooms and lounges. Laundry is also provided. Books, including large print type, are supplied by the local library.
Hairdressing, chiropody and dental treatment can all be arranged and is an additional expense.